Happy Adoption Day!

19 September 2018

This will always be one of my favorite photos of Zachary.
It was taken by a nurse on the morning of September 19th, 2014. She said, "Look, he's so happy to be going home today!" Morgan and I had just spent the night with him in a private room within the NICU. We were emotionally and physically exhausted but at the same time, we were also ecstatic.
This was the moment we had prayed so hard for.
Our son was finally coming HOME.

 After spending 75 days in the NICU, surviving pneumonia, and 4 bouts of MRSA,
we were officially discharged that morning. He did amazing on the long car ride home.
Forever grateful to UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital and especially the wonderful NICU nurses!

He had 2 proud big sisters waiting for him. Look at how tiny he was. 😭

Four years have sure flown by. He's still the biggest miracle in my life.

The morning started with donuts and singing.

He's just the cutest!

He was so excited for the day.

He always opens his mouth and does this big adorable crooked smile. I just love it.

We took him to one of his favorite places, Get Air Trampoline Park.

Fun for the whole family.

Happy Homecoming/Adoption Day, son!
We thank God for you and the honor of being your family.
You are one very loved kid!