Life Lately

03 June 2017

Zach loves these "fill-in the dot" worksheets. And of course, he's a huge fan of his dot markers, too.

 When it's too hot to go outside... just pretend that you're riding over rocks on the couch! 😀

 Wearing every one's glasses but his OWN. 😏

Finally tried Pokehana and it did NOT disappoint! What a treat! I love that it was incredibly healthy and SO filling, too! I was stuffed! 

 The White's came over for a play date during the week and although we could have played outside, the kids were having too much fun inside. Zach was so cute. He grabbed Sylvie's hand right before I snapped this picture. Where did he learn that from? #precious

Isn't this the truth? Change starts in the home. It's the whole reason we invest in our children and make our homes our mission field. Lord willing, we are raising up a generation of young people who are set apart for the Lord in every way!

 Ok, so my first attempt at making bread in my new bread maker was disastrous (It helps if I read the instructions!). This was my second attempt and I must say, Joanna's 3 Minute Sweet Bread was perfection!

 Now THIS is what I'm talking about! The family gobbled this up warm and enjoyed every bite! 🍞 

 Gotta love a good energy ball snack! It's been a while since I've made these and I wonder why? They're so easy and good for you. This one has rolled oats, chopped pecans, mini chocolate chips, almond butter, peanut butter, honey, coconut, and chia seeds.

 Look who's back at My Gym for the summer?

 I pray this is not a glimpse of his future. 😜

He had a blast! I took him in an effort to tire him out but the only one who needed a nap that day was ME!! I'm pretty sure I was the oldest parent there!  

 Hello, my gorgeous boy.

 Learning how to operate a soaker gun without shooting yourself in the face.

 Oh, the JOY!

 Afternoon swims, playing barefoot in the backyard, and later than usual suppers.

 It was great to have Hailey join me and Melissa on our monthly hike. Despite the fact that we left at 5:30 in the morning, it was still incredibly HOT! Nonetheless, we had some sweet girl time.

And that's a little life around here lately.

I have to say, we thoroughly enjoyed our first official week of summer!