This month's Family Fellowship & Prayer took place at the Polo fields.
Horse crossing.
Zach was such a good little boy, sitting down the whole time he ate his bag of crackers.
Karen and her sweet mother in law, Bev.
The kids were exchanging Legos.
Let the tailgating begin!
Do we know how to do polo or do we know how to do polo?? YES we do!
Melissa's layered salad was amazing!
Such a gorgeous WARM and sunny day!
My little love.
We look so relaxed, right?
Zach would run onto the field and someone had to go chase him down.
The boy loves excitement and danger. Sigh...
Stomping divets.
Of course, Zach found a dog to play with.
Stomping divets AND throwing the football.
My cute boys.
The girls, minus Elizabeth.
So glad the Whites were able to join us!
Me and my lovely big girls.
Did I mention it was sunny?
The ladies.
Zach learning how to be a gentlemen.
Some of us needed some cooling off.
Ellie dancing in the sprinklers.
This is how the glamourous Genevieve and sporty Zach tailgate. Or as Zach calls her, "Gen-Vee."
Morgan always having fun with the kids.
Best daddy ever!
Oh, right, There was polo, too!
The horses were incredible.
Sylvie & Zach had so much fun playing in our truck.
I know this is blurry but it was just too cute not to post. Morgan took this on his phone.
He said Zach was on his first date. 😂😂
What a fantastic day of fellowship, food and prayer at the polo fields. We were having so much fun, we stayed for not one but TWO matches this year. All the littles missed their naps but it was so worth it. We sure had a great day with our friends. Last year, we went in February and believe it or not, it was WAY TOO HOT!
Sunday ended up being our first warm day of the year (78 and sunny). We decided
Polo in January, to kick off another year of FFP was the way to go!
We missed you, Ritz's!

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