Lord's Prayer

26 June 2012

Every summer, I make a list of "Summer Scriptures" for the girls to memorize but last week, I found myself without a plan or a list of verses to meditate our hearts on.  I guess that's what a 2 week vacation at the beginnning of summer will do to you!  Ha!  

Anyway, as I began thinking intentionally about this, I thought I'd have the girls memorize the Lord's Prayer instead of individual verses this summer.  Little did I know, this would only take them 2 to 3 days, not the entire summer, like I had envisioned. 

So much for my plan!  I guess they're not 3 and 4 anymore and their brains can hold so much more than I can even imagine!  Wish mine could!

Next up...  maybe Psalm 23?

A quick shout out for Sing the Word from A to Z.  I put it on the other day and it was such a blessing to hear how quickly the kids remembered all the verses from last year.  Love it!