"G" is for Glasses

09 April 2011

It's also for Grace!

She picked out these cute ones with hearts on the sides.

Like Father, Like Daughter. :)

Telling the twins apart just got a whole lot easier for most folks. Grace now wears glasses! One of the things we did this week was take the girls to an eye appointment. We have vision insurance so we thought why not? It appears my baby is nearsighted (in her left eye). We presented the news to her in a positive way. She immediately said she would be "just like daddy", as well as Grandma and her big cousin, Christina. She got to pick out her very own pair. Pink with hearts, of course. :)

Here's how our conversation went this week...

Grace: "Mommy, how long will I have to wear glasses?"

Me: "I don't know, honey. Maybe well into adult life."

Grace: "Awww, I don't wanna wear 'em when I'm a mommy!"

(This made my heart smile)

Grace: "I know! I won't have to wear them when I'm in heaven right, mom?"

Me: "You're so right, baby. No one needs glasses in heaven. You'll be able to see everything perfectly clear." :)

To which she smiled contently and went off to play.

I know I'm a bit biased but I think she looks Absolutely Adorable!

It instantly makes her look more grown up and wearing glasses now gives her an added sense of responsibilty as well. I couldn't stop looking at her and smiling yesterday...

My baby is truly getting older (sniff, sniff...).

And wouldn't you know it? Now Faith wants glasses, too!
Hailey said...

just beautiful!!

The Letter 'W' said...

super cute! teagan has been begging to go to the eye doctor for a couple months...need to do that!