So, for our neighbor's Christmas treats this year, instead of making Peppermint Fudge
(which we do every year), we changed it up and made this instead...
A bed of baked Saltines, melted butter, brown sugar, and chocolate morsels...
How can it NOT be good, right?
No wonder it's called Christmas Crack!
We also made Christmas Queso to take to our Speech and Debate Christmas Party.
It was a big hit! Nothing says party like queso, right?
Recipe by the Pioneer Woman and it could not have been any simpler. #lovethat
We celebrated Joshua's 12th birthday at Speech and Debate.
Even the littles came to the party that night.
They were clearly up past their bedtime. 😜
Any which way, he's adorable! 😍
Umm, one of these things does not belong. 😄
"Look, mom! A wheelie! "
These two were chasing hot air balloons one afternoon.
To close out the year, we went on a hike to Ladder Canyon.
The kids all did great!
This is Faith's favorite hike.
He's a dirt magnet. 😂 #boysanddirt
Family photo on top of the canyon.
So much fun closing out the year with our friends, the Whites!
On the last day of the year, we finally transitioned Zach out of his crib into his toddler bed. Believe it or not, he loved his crib and although he could climb out of it no problem, he felt safe in there. We trained him to stay in it from the time we put him to bed at night to when we opened his door in the morning.
Thankfully, so far, he does the same in his toddler bed. We've had the bed for months now and thought we'd better use it before he grows out of it. I can see him in it for maybe a year?
I don't know. He's had a growth spurt lately and he's getting tall.
I don't know. He's had a growth spurt lately and he's getting tall.
He's not a baby anymore. 😭
On New Year's Day, the girls and I hiked the cross while the boys stayed back and rode bikes.
These girls were rock stars! They made it to the top without even stopping once.
My hiking buddies. 💕
We met some friends at the top.
I loved spending time with just the two of them!
Afterwards, we treated ourselves to a healthy lunch of pitaya and acai bowls. #soyummy
He loves to paint.
My little artist.
Too bad he has no personality. #kidunderwearmodel 😁
This is his happy face because he's going to the skate park with dad.
Looking like such a big kid, too!
Looking like such a big kid, too!
My boy. My heart. 💗
Jammin' in his jammies.
Mama finally got her hair cut. Maybe I will actually wear it down now?
But who has time to blow dry? 🙈
Starting off the new year right with all my ammunition.
#oneyearbible #jesustodaydevotional #coffee
So that's it. Bits of last year combined with the first week of this year.
I love how our year ends and begins with a hike!
Such a metaphor for life, isn't it? We just keep taking one step at a time.
We're slowing making our way back into our full schedule which officially starts next week.
And full it will be!
2018, we're coming for you!

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