Looking Back, Looking Forward

02 January 2018

Each year, I try to take a moment to reflect on the past. Looking back, 2017 was a good year. 
It was full of much joy and fruit. Let me be clear though, good doesn't mean it was easy. 
2017 was a year of growth. And we all know that any kind of growing (in the process) can sometimes,
be uncomfortable and painful.

Am I done growing? Heavens, no. In fact, in a lot of ways, I feel like I'm just beginning.
But the end of a year is a good place to see how far we've come.

In the middle of my very full family life, God asked me to start a new orphan care ministry at church this year. Stepping out in obedience and allowing myself to be vulnerable, has probably been the greatest thing God has used to draw me closer to Him this year.

At the end of last year, in my year-end blog post, I wrote, "In 2017, I pray God would give me the courage to boldly live out my purpose and calling. Even if it's scary, even if it's hard. Because in the end, I want what He wants."

And He did just that.

Turns out Satan is not too keen on folks who decide to trust God and obey Him willingly.
Oh, it was one thing when I was making my home my mission field but a whole different thing when I said yes to encouraging the church towards the heart of the Father. Saying yes to caring for the orphan.
Saying yes to bringing these children home.

It's not really a surprise that the enemy would unleash a battle. Since the beginning of time, he has always been against children and family. 

But God...
He will not leave us as orphans. (John 14:18)

In the battle, I've had to fight. I've had to take up my shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit.
I've had to stand firm on who God is and His promises for me.

And perhaps that's why this year has been good. It's been a different kind of year but one that God has graciously poured out His mercy, grace, and favor unto me. Is the battle over? It's never really over until the day I go home, the day He returns, or the day I just become complacent and lie down
(Satan would just love that).

Until then, we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and we press on.

The reality is, I have no idea what 2018 holds. 

But I suspect it will be like other years--
mixed with joys and hardships, mountaintops and valleys.

All I know is that God is faithful to complete what He has started. (Phil. 1:6)
May we be humble in the triumphs, steadfast in our trials, and faithful in the mundane.
In all circumstances, may we seek to bring honor and glory to Christ, whose already won the victory for us.

There's something so refreshing about a new year. It brings new hope and a new expectancy.

Bravely, looking ahead to 2018 with you.