Friday Favorites

19 January 2018

After being sick all week, I'm starting to feel like myself again and that's something to be thankful for! Also, I'm super grateful that it was just a cold and not the flu. #hallelujah
And so far, the only person who's been sick is me. Praise Jesus!

So, in honor of #friyay and feeling better, here are few of my favorite things lately...
I've posted about these before but PITAYA bowls are my new indulgence.
You know how some people go to Starbucks all the time? Well, I'm not one of those of people but I could certainly splurge on a pitaya bowl once a week!
Pitaya is dragon fruit and it's a considered a superfood. So good and good for you!

Anyone else deal with dry or frizzy hair? Especially in the winter months? I've heard so much about Argan or Moroccan Oils but was afraid to try them and spend a ton of money. I found this gem at Marshall's for less than $10 so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm so glad I did! I've been using this every day and I love it! It gives me body without frizz. It gives me shine without looking oily. It cuts down on my blow drying time and makes my hair really soft. Plus, it smells so good! Argan Magic is definitely a new favorite!    

Last year, for the first time in my life, I was told that I have dry skin. That's what living in the desert and being middle aged gets you, I guess. 😞 Winter is especially brutal. Just like my hair, I've been looking for a good day and night moisturizer. I know some of them promise wonders and cost fortunes. To be honest, I wouldn't mind paying up if I knew they would work for me but that just hasn't been the case. After doing some research, I found Cerave and I have to say, this has been the greatest find for me thus far! I noticed the difference immediately and I'm not looking back. The best part about it? You can find it at WalMart for around $10/bottle. I always wear sunscreen in the day so the AM cream is nice and after washing my face in the evening, the PM cream is very light and hydrating! SCORE!! 

Sunrise has got to be my favorite time of day! And a desert sunrise NEVER gets old!

Hiking with new friends is a favorite of mine, too. Bethany and I are kindred spirits, for sure.
I enjoyed my time with her so much. This women is remarkable!

I know this may sound silly but can I just tell you about my new appreciation for ice? In fact, I'm sipping on water with ICE CUBES as I type this right now. And it. is. wonderful!! For the last 3 weeks, our freezer has been broken and we just got it fixed yesterday. Quick fact about me: I like my cold drinks "extra" cold and my hot drinks "extra" hot so drinking water (even though it's cold) without ice has been a drag! I notice that I drink far less water without ice, too. Zach and I happen to love ice in our water so we've been counting down the days until the freezer got fixed. If you've travelled internationally at all, you probably already know that ice is somewhat of a luxury in many countries. I never quite appreciated that luxury FULLY until now.
God bless the USA and God bless ice! 😃