We began our road trip by attending my high school reunion on Saturday. OK, I'll admit it. It's been 20 years since I graduated from high school. There, I said it! Wow! 20 years! Really? I can't believe that it's been that long. In many ways, I still feel like I'm in my 20's. OK, maybe in my late, late 20's. For a senior class of over 400, there were less than a third of my classmates at the reunion. Regardless, I'm happy that I went. It was great to see so many familiar faces and catch up. I've known some of my classmates since early elementary school so it was fun to reminisce about the early years. It was also fun to see old pictures of me from high school. Let's just say this... late 80's and BIG permed hair. You get the picture. Speaking of hair, right before my reunion, I got my haircut. I got about 6 inches cut off. It's the shortest it's ever been and although it'll take some time getting used to, I think I'm liking it. Maybe I have aged? Or better yet, matured? There was a time (not long ago) when my hair was my security blanket. These days, I think, "Hey, it's only hair. It'll grow back." :)
Being at my high school reunion made me appreciate all the little moments of my life. The times when I thought that high school was fun and the times when I thought it was a drag. Every moment is precious and something to be celebrated. Life goes by in the blink of an eye, doesn't it? I see that in my children already. They're growing up so fast. The girls enjoyed staying with my parents that evening and also had a fun visit from Uncle Rich and Auntie Emily.
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