January 2021 Book Review

31 January 2021

 Gosh, I had hoped to blog a bit more this month but I've barely touched my computer for weeks since Covid hit my house. More on our experience with that later. I'm so happy to be up and moving again! 
I managed to read 3 books in January.

First up, Dream Big by Bob Goff. 
I've read all of Bob Goff's books out loud to the girls. It's kind of our thing. We always thoroughly enjoy his adventurous story telling and whimsical nature. And this book, like his others, was filled with plenty of laugh out loud moments as well. However, although I liked this 3rd book, I didn't love it. He had some good points to make about getting your life prioritized, honing down on your ambitions, not letting failure get the best of you, and ultimately, just waking up every day and getting after your goals. But to me, he felt more like a cheerleader and less like a coach. Which is totally fine because we all need cheerleaders in our lives, too. 
I thought it was more of an entertaining read with great examples of some of the off-beat things he's done in his life. Not super practical but still, enjoyable nonetheless. 

Next up was The 40 Day Social Media Fast by Wendy Speake.
I picked this one up in December and read it more like a book rather than a daily devotional. 
Years ago, I had read Triggers, which Wendy also co-authored and I've heard her on a couple of homeschooling podcasts so I kind of knew her style. She is a word slinger of sorts and her signature style includes juxtapositioning her words to really make an impact. I picked up this book originally, not because I thought I had a social media problem (I had been busy the last few months with our move so it's not like I was super active on it) but I felt like I could have a social media problem if I allowed myself to let it distract me and my time. What I loved about this book was that Wendy did a phenomenal job of always pointing us back to God. This book is for anyone who wants God most but finds themselves grabbing their phone more. Don't you just love books where you could highlight every page? This was definitely one of those. And it wasn't just about social media. It was about everything in this world that distracts us from coming to God first. Maybe for you it's binge watching Netflix, a daily glass of wine, perpetual shopping, sugar, food, or even a hobby. Basically, it's recognizing anything in our lives that we turn to to give us affirmation, rather than our Heavenly Father. Without distractions, she encourages us to put things in it's proper order and in turn, invites us to a life of freedom, clarity, and closeness with God, our Creator. It's an invitation from Jesus to "Follow Me" to "like" and love your REAL LIFE, rather than the imaginary one we see or create online. 
I absolutely LOVED it!

Lastly, I managed to sneak in Michael J Fox's, No Time Like The Future.  
I read Lucky Man, his first memoir, about 15 years ago and enjoyed it. 
Fox has been living with Parkinson's Disease for nearly 30 years now and something just compelled me to want an update, to find out more. I'm so glad I listened to this on Audible because sometimes, I think hearing the author's own voice makes all the difference and this was certainly no exception.
Fox shares personal stories from the last 10 years and the daily challenges that come from PD with self- deprecating humor and wit. He ultimately reflects on aging and coming to terms with his own mortality. 
Although some may think this is depressing, I thought it was a story of hope and resilience, in the face of trial and inevitable pain. Fox shows us with courage that despite life's obstacles, gratitude and optimism are choices we can make everyday.    

I would love to hear some suggestions on what to read next. Please share what you've loved.
