August 2020 Book Review

26 August 2020

I'm wrapping up August with an early book review! 

First up was Just Mercy.
We're big on reading the book before watching the movie around here so when I found this YA version of Just Mercy, I thought it would be a perfect way to involve my teens by reading this together. We still haven't seen the movie but it's on our watch list. This is a collection of true stories by lawyer and civil rights advocate, Bryan Stevenson. He works to protect basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in society-- the poor, the wrongly convicted, children, and those whose lives have been marked by discrimination and marginalization. As much as we love America, we know it's not perfect by any means. This was an eye-opening look into capital punishment, our justice system, and representation for the underprivileged. 
Often compared to Nelson Mandela, Stevenson's work is both important and necessary if we are to resemble Christ to our hurting world.

Next up was a book that I borrowed from a friend of mine called Brain Integration Therapy. It's actually a manual but I'm counting it here because I spent so much time reading it this month. This was an interesting step by step "right brain" training system for kids (and adults) who have a hard time with things like auditory processing disorders, dyslexia, Autism or ADHD. Basically, the concept is that we can train the brain to bridge the gap between the left and right side, making the right side stronger. Zach has come such a long way and although he's a good reader and writer, there are some things he could use a little help on such as speech, auditory processing, and his ADHD. I've started to implement some of these exercises and I can already tell the difference it's making in his ability to focus for longer periods of time, his coordination, balance, and a general calmness. Coincidence? Maybe. 
As his mom, I'm all for helping him reach his fullest potential so anything I can learn more about to help him grow, I'm here for that! 

I first started listening to Monica Swanson on her Boy Mom podcast. I quickly became a fan so I purchased her book and I was not disappointed. Boy Mom is filled with biblical and practical wisdom. She takes moms deeper into the insights we need for the boy-raising journey, covering topics like friendships, technology, work ethic, and helping a boy grow to be physically, spiritually, and emotionally healthy. I don't think anyone can deny the crisis facing boys today. There seems to be an epidemic of unmotivated boys and underachieving young men. In Boy Mom, Monica writes like an old friend with relatable stories, practical advice based on research, experience with raising her 4 sons, and biblical truth to guide and equip moms in helping our sons achieve their God-given potential. Really enjoyed this book and loved all the handy checklists at the end of each chapter. 

Lastly, I read Let Them Be Kids by Jessica Smartt. 
With an 8 year age difference between the girls and Zach, often times, we feel like we have the opportunity to parent all over again. Some may see this as a challenge but actually, it's been the biggest blessing. Hopefully, we've grown a little wiser in some ways. This book was a refreshing reminder of all that is good and right about childhood. Yet it also offered encouragement for parenting in today's day and age. It covered topics like technology, outside time, the gift of boredom and imagination, and protecting their innocence. It left me motivated and inspired to be more engaged, compassionate, protective, but also adventurous with my kids. Not just with Zach but with my teens as well (maybe even more so). It was a strong reminder that their time under our roof is so short but incredibly important. Jessica's humor and humility made her so relatable and I found myself sharing much of what I was reading with Morgan. In fact, I LOVED this book so much, he's reading it now for himself. Although there's nothing profound or brand new in this book, I think the simple and intentional reminders are what made it so good. It both warmed my heart and set it on fire at the same time. If you're wanting a renewed vision and encouragement for your parenting journey, I highly recommend Let Them Be Kids! 

Isn't this so true? 
For me it is! #momsquiettime

Have you read something good lately?  
If so, I'd love to hear about it! Leave me a comment or shoot me an email. 
Happy Reading!
