May 2020 Book Review

31 May 2020

I read 4 books in May and all 4 were different yet great in their own way.

I was a little apprehensive about this book from it's title but boy was I wrong.
I thought this might be some sort of women's lib rhetoric but instead, I was pointed continually to the truth of God's word.

I recently started listening to books on audible and this book is definitely one that I would recommend you listen to. Some books are meant to be heard so the author can instill their passion and voice. Jess will encourage you like a best friend-mom-big sister and inspire you to RUN toward Jesus! In fact, instead of feeling like you have to do it all or be the best at something, she preaches that we should take ourselves OUT of the running and rely on His strength. If you have ever struggled with not feeling good enough or have imposter syndrome, this one is for you!

Next up was a book I read a few years ago but I thought I'd read it aloud to my now teenagers and I'm so glad I did. Jesus >Religion by Jefferson Bethke is a book that crosses generations. It will make you consider if you're inadvertently following a set of rules or principles, or if you're actually following Jesus. I loved how simple Jefferson makes it. We tend to over complicate things, don't we? Jefferson's writing is both relatable and relevant. A great read that will have you examining your own life and spark some wonderful conversations.

Back in October of last year, Zach was diagnosed with being on the autism spectrum (coupled with having ADHD). More recently, after having another evaluation, we were that told that Zach is NOT on the autism spectrum. However, he still has ADHD. This explains many of his particular challenges so naturally, as his mom, I'm trying to learn as much as I can about it. For about 6 months now, we've seen BIG improvements with Zach. It may be due to maturity, change in diet, or due to the supplements he's been taking. I think it's probably a combination of all three. Currently, Zach does not take any prescription medications so learning how best to support his body and brain through supplements, diet, and exercise are key components to his overall health and growth. In Finally Focused, Dr. Greenblatt has been treating patients with ADHD for over 30 years and I really appreciate his natural approach.
He's not against medications. He just takes more of a holistic approach to treating his patients. I think too many doctors these days are only concerned with masking the symptoms instead of getting to the root cause. If your kid has ADHD, this book is worth the read-- even if you don't end up taking all of the advice.

 Lastly, I finished up Dream With Me by John M. Perkins.
This is the same John M. Perkins that Switchfoot's song, The Sound is about (otherwise known as the John M. Perkins Blues). Boy, talk about a timely and important book to read.
AS a Christian, it should be a given I teach my children that every life has value and matters.
As a person who has been discriminated against in my life, I know what it feels like to be treated differently just because of my ethnicity or the color of my skin.
I hate filling out forms where they ask your race with a little box of choices to check. I want to cross out all those choices and answer instead, HUMAN.
We are all ONE race.

Perkins is now 90 years old and has lived through much in his life. In 1947, he watched his older brother get fatally shot by a police officer. He led voter registration efforts in 1964, worked for school desegregation in 1967, and was imprisoned and tortured in 1970. Through it all, he has remained determined to seek justice and reconciliation based in Christ's redemptive work.
"Justice is something that every generation has to strive for," he says. And despite the setbacks of recent years, Perkins finds hope in the young people he has met all across the nation who are hard at work, bringing about reconciliation in God's name and offering acceptance to all.
His gospel message #loveisthefinalfight.

We've made great strides in our country since the Civil Rights Movement but lately, it seems like we've taken two steps back. Praying for unity, peace, love, and reconciliation. Lord help us.
