Life Lately

05 May 2018

Well, we're nearing the end of the school year and I'm quite ecstatic about that!
This year was a little more challenging with the addition of speech and debate, the new ministry we started at church, and my surgery. However, we prevailed and now we've only got 2 more weeks to go until SUMMER OFFICIALLY BEGINS!!

Here's what we've been up to lately...

 This picture cracks me up because Zach could definitely be an MC (or a pastor!).

 This is the shot I was going for.
The big kids did an amazing job at their Spring CBS Program.
Since we studied Acts this year, they each picked a person from Acts and gave a 5 minute presentation. Grace was Lydia and Faith was the Holy Spirit.

 Geared up and ready to ride. 👍

 Celebrated our dear Hailey with birthday lunch at Desert Willow!

 The girls have had a fantastic year of Speech & Debate.
We concluded with an Open House where all the kids got to showcase their favorite speeches for the community.

 So sweet to see these girls encourage each other all year!

 Super proud of all these kids who worked so hard this year!

They can be silly with the best of them. 😜

 He got his animals together and said he was going to read to his "kids." 😂💗

 Zach's favorite place.

 With his favorite person. 💕

 Anyone need their hedges trimmed? 😄

 Helping dad with Saturday projects.

 Fun with the power sprayer.

A couple of weeks ago, we had our first dip of the season.

 Remembering his swimming skills from last summer.

 Oh, the joy and safety of dad!

The girls had fun swimming with Gracie, a friend from our neighborhood.

 The resemblance is uncanny. 😄🐶

Hoppy Spring!

We've had some decent Spring weather and even some rain on my run this week but it looks like the hot weather is upon us now.

Can't complain, tough.
Life is good and I'm looking forward to all that this summer will bring!