Update on Zach

23 August 2014

Blessed is the man

Morning update for all those that are following through the blog:

Zach had a good night! His oxygen levels are weaned down to 36% (21% is room air) and there is talk of maybe moving him today (or tomorrow) to a less aggressive ventilator (one that does not shake him). This would be a BIG step in the right direction. Also, last night, they gave him a tiny dose of food in his stomach. Poor baby was probably starving! He processed it well and even stooled this morning. Hooray!

Today, they will try some food again... Baby steps.

Yesterday, he also had an eye exam and he did well through that. So far, his eyes seems to be fine for his age and development. 

A few days ago, we were told that Zach's chances of survival were very slim. He had been in an extremely critical state since last Wednesday night when the pneumonia came on. At the time, things looked dismal.

They tried a new antibiotic this Tuesday and The Lord has been using that to show some signs of improvement over the last few days. Today, our son still lives and although the doctors are saying that his condition is still critical, they are now encouraged that he may, in fact, LIVE!!

Despite what the doctors tell us, we know Who's in control.

Our hope and prayer is that our Gracious God would bring himself Glory through the complete healing and miracle of our baby boy.

Thank you for your unceasing prayers. The battle is not over but the war is already won!!

Blessed be the name of The Lord!!