Goodbye, Goldie…

17 August 2013

Adoption Day 019

The girls’ first pet, “Goldie” passed away while we were on our road trip. Apparently, it happened just a few days after we left. Grandma & Grandpa were fish-sitting (as they always do). I know they felt really bad about it,too but maybe, just maybe, it was better this way.

The girls received Goldie (and another fish, Nemo) on their adoption day 3.5 years ago. They ended up gifting Nemo to their friend Vivien over a year ago. Unfortunately, Nemo didn’t last too much longer after that but Goldie kept hanging on. Here she is in all her glory, the day the girls got her.

Losing a pet (especially the first one) is always difficult on a child. I still remember losing my first fish!

The girls sobbed big tears and grieved deeply when we broke the news. Since grandma wasn’t sure what we wanted to do with her, she saved her for us (in the freezer) in a pretty gold box. Eventually, it was decided that we would hold a brief memorial service, say a nice prayer of thanksgiving, and flush her down the toilet, along with some flowers.

Goldie, you were a great first pet. The girls learned some valuable lessons through you… responsibility, love and loss… It was nice to have you for as long as we did.

When I woke up the next morning, here’s what I found stuck to the fridge.

So sweet… Goodbye, Goldie.

Two little girls loved you and they will miss you very much.