Sister to Sister: My Gift to You

07 July 2013

My Gift to you collage

If you think about it, moments are all we have. I suppose that’s one of the prime reasons I keep recording pieces of our life here... to remember, to reflect, and to be grateful for it all. 

This would be one of those moments.

I’ve been attending a summer bible study at church where 170 women have gathered weekly to study Ann Voskamp’s, One Thousand Gifts. A couple of weeks ago, I brought home a small gift from the women’s leadership team-- these simple 3x3 cards, each affirming our sisterhood in Christ. Grace stumbled upon them and as she read each one, she beamed with joy.

“Oh, mama! I love these! Can I wrap them up and give them to sister?” 

Of course you can.

The gift giving ceremony that night was nothing short of precious.

I pray our children never stop singing one other’s song.