Lunch menu- cheese quesadillas, guacamole, pineapple spears, and sun chips.
They ate every last bite and asked for more!
I can hardly believe that this was my last week teaching our co-op for the school year. One more week and we are DONE with our first year of school! Although I'm thrilled about summer break and pool season, I'm also kinda sad- more like sentimental. Watching all the kids blossom and being such a big part of not only my own kids' first year of school but also Teagan and Vivien's, has been a gift and blessing in so many unexpected ways. It's been said that,
"You will never be more spiritual than your three closest friends. Therefore, choose your friends wisely."
This is so true for our children as well as for ourselves. I am beyond grateful that God has blessed my life and my children's life with godly friends who love the Lord. We love to live life together!
Next week, for our last day of school, we have a minimum day planned at Hailey's followed by an end of the year party at Pump It Up! It's also the week I'm scheduled for jury duty-- blah! Please pray that I will not be called in and if I do, that I will be dismissed quickly!
Love it!Our basil plant is proudly sitting on the windowsill in the kitchen. can't wait for it to grow!!
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