Girlie girls. I have two of them. Sure, one is a little more delicate than the other (Grace) but nevertheless, they both love anything that has to do with being 'distinctly female'. They would both choose to wear a dress over pants or shorts any day. They adore any kind of hair accessory. They are fascinated with my make-up and anything sparkly. They "dress-up" from the moment they wake up in the morning. They speak about their future husbands and their wedding day daily. And they often tell me how many kids they are going to have and how when I come to visit them, they will gladly make me cookies or soup. :)
Lately, when the house seems too quiet, I've been finding them in their bathroom, both standing on their little stool together, styling their own hair. They look in the mirror and admire what they see. Once, when daddy walked in on them, they told him that they weren't ready yet and needed some privacy. Goodness gracious, I'm already having visions of their teenager years!
Women of the World-
Perhaps leftover from the women's lib movement, women today are growing up with the notion that they should and can do it all. Women are being empowered not only do it all but want it all- with or without a man. Make no mistake- females are extremely capable. We are designed in God's image and just because He wanted us to be helpmates to our husbands, that does not mean we are second class in any shape or form. The beauty and mystery of being distinctly female is learning the balance between our strength and our femininity. Although I think it's important for women to be educated and skilled, I believe that women today are stifling the vital role that God designed for our men. This eventually leads to broken homes, role reversals, discontent, resentment, divorce, and overall, it goes against the plan and purpose that God has for married couples. Even Christians are being duped into tweaking God's plan. More than ever before, men are relying more heavily on their wife's ability to bring income into their homes. Some men are even happy to be stay-at-home dads while their wives are out providing for their family. God had distinct roles in mind for a husband and a wife--roles that would lead to the optimal functionality, prosperity and blessing of a family. Our boys should be taught to lead, protect, provide, and love their wives. Our girls should be taught to nurture, help, encourage, and support their husbands. Both roles are equally important and necessary.
Even in my own home, I am fully aware of the fact that I come from the world's mentality of doing it all-- just because I can. Letting my husband lead does not come as easily for me as you might think. I so often need to learn to shut my mouth! :) Or at the very least, offer words of encouragment. I'm reminded of the time years ago when Morgan and I took salsa classes and I tried to lead him the whole way. Oops! As you might guess, it didn't work out all that well. Through the gift of my girlie girls, I'm learning what a privilege it is to be trusted to cultivate such important roles during these fun and crucial young years. Vive la difference!
beautifuly stated!
so true! so many woman are doing themselves and their spouses a diservice. in the same way i am teaching teagan that being a boy (and one day a man) is a wonderful thing! one day i told him that he was so lucky to be a boy b/c boys are cool. he said "yeah, boys are cool. but girls are not cool, right?" oh dear... not exactly what i had in mind. :)
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