We've been having so much fun with our sweet little daughters. Every night after we put them to bed, we can't help but take a moment to share how in love with them we are and how truly blessed we are to be their parents. They are blossoming into these amazing little spirits of kindness and joy. There is nothing better than to witness your child become all that God has planned for them. I'm sure that God feels the same way about us as our Heavenly Father. Lately, Morgan has even ventured to say that girls are the best and who needs boys, anyway? Of course, we know that this statement is a little biased but I thought it was cute nonetheless.
Last night, I hosted a M2M leadership meeting in our home. Morgan was kind enough to rush home from work, quickly eat dinner and take care of the girls. He played with them outside for a little while and then gave them a bath. Just as it was nearing their bedtime, he came out of their room and apologized for interrupting our meeting. He said that the girls wanted kisses from mommy and didn't want to say their prayers without all of us together. When I went into their room, there they were, waiting for me to say their prayers. It was the sweetest thing ever. It's moments like this that I want to remember.
Your girls are always so happy, they are so sweet.
Love it! Isn't amazing just watch your kids and think wow, what a gift God has given us.
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