Easter Weekend

09 April 2021

 We dropped my mom off at the airport that morning and later, we went for a long hike around Lake Grapevine. 

Zach had a blast riding the trails. 

Faith and I walked out to the point.

Zach had fun one afternoon finding the eggs that were "hidden" around our community at the various neighborhood parks.  

Women can't resist him. 😉

Aww! Love them all so much!

We had a fantastic morning at church celebrating our Risen Savior! 

He is Risen, y'all!!

With my mom being here all week, I didn't plan much for Easter this year and when I went to go fill the kids' Easter baskets, they were NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. They must have gotten thrown out by accident during the move. So I quickly ran to the grocery store but no luck. All the baskets were gone. #momfail #oops

The only thing I could find was an Easter gift bag. And it was the LAST ONE so I grabbed it. 😆

The girls helped Zach dye some eggs using cool whip and food dye. 

They came out pretty and marbled. 

And lastly, at night, we hid some glow-in-the-dark eggs for Zach to find upstairs, which he always LOVES. 

Being in our rental house, this Easter was a little different, for sure. I didn't have a beautiful brunch prepared or our typical egg hunt in the backyard (we plan to celebrate big next year!). Regardless, it doesn't take away from the fact that Easter is my FAVORITE DAY of the year. I always get so choked up at Easter to think that Jesus, my Savior, loved me so much that He endured such torture and ridicule on my behalf. What kind of love is this?? And then to celebrate the fact that death could not hold Him, that He rose from the dead, just like He said He would on the third day. And because of His resurrection, the destiny of all God's children changed, too.

This Easter, with no frills, was a very special one that we will always remember. On Good Friday, we received some miraculous and exciting news and on Easter Sunday, we got even more good news. 

There has been much to celebrate lately and we are just overcome with the goodness of God, y'all. 😭☝

It's not about religion or being religious. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? Have you put your faith in Him? Do you know without a doubt where you will spend eternity?

I hope I spend my whole life pointing to Him and testifying to His saving grace. #thankyouJesus