First Week of School

18 September 2020

Even though we pretty much school year round, the big kids take most of August off so when we got back from vacation, we officially started our first week back to school.
Can't believe we have HIGH SCHOOLERS and a first grader, too!  

Even though it's still hot (in the 100's around here), on the first day of school, I like to pretend like it's fall. That means we start the day with all things pumpkin.
This year, I treated the girls to a (no-caff) Pumpkin Spice Almond Milk Latte from Starbucks. 
Like me, my kids love all the fall flavors.

Bring on all the pumpkin spice! 

 Zach completed his First Day of School Questionnaire. 

 The cool thing about this year is that he wrote out all of his answers himself! 
(Except #2, I filled in those numbers after I measured him) My, he's grown! 
I helped him sound out and spell a few words but other than that, he did it all on his own. 

Here's his Kindergarten Questionnaire. 
Such progress considering last year, all he did was write his own name at the top! 

I just love it that the girls are helping me with science and art projects for Zach. 
He especially likes cooking in the kitchen. 

They made a big batch of energy balls. Yum! 

We also made homemade applesauce in the slow cooker and boy, did our house smell spectacular! 

 Probably our favorite fall item at TJ's is this GF Pumpkin Bread. I usually make muffins with these and everyone loves them. I've learned over the years to stock up on these boxes while I can. 

Also, I'm a big fan of roasting veggies. I usually try and roast seasonal veggies and eat them everyday with my lunch. This batch included brussel sprouts, butternut squash, and tri-colored carrots.
Drizzle with coconut oil and salt. Then roast on 425 for 30 minutes. 

I try and add more fall-ish items to our weekly meals come September, like this Apple Cider Pork Tenderloin made in the crockpot. It's a super easy recipe the kids love.  

This is a little art project he worked on with Faith. She drew the tree but he "painted" the leaves by using a raw broccoli stem dipped in fall-colored paint. I think it turned out beautiful!  

We don't get much of a fall season here in the desert but we have noticed some cooler mornings and we'll definitely take that. The girls are thrilled to be back to some normalcy. They are back to having their in person tutoring lessons with Ms. Lyndi again as well as their piano teacher, Ms. Lynette. They've also been going to high school youth group at church every Wednesday night. So far, Zach is still doing 2/3 of his therapy sessions on zoom but this week, we were able to go into the clinic for one of those sessions so that was terrific! I know how quickly these little years go by so I'm really enjoying all the time I get to spend with Zach doing school at home. Such a sweet blessing. I wouldn't trade a moment!