Friday Faves

31 July 2020

Here's another addition of Friday Favorites aka my "phone photo dump."😁 

My favorite little helper in the kitchen. 

 We haven't had pasta in FOREVER because quite honestly, all the GF pasta we've tried wasn't up to par... until NOW! If you're tired of gummy GF pasta that falls apart, you've got to try the Jovial brand (found at Wal-Mart). A new favorite, for sure! My kids are happy jovial. 😆

 Enjoying a bag of Pirate Booty on the beach is essential.

Little boys in hats are my fave. 

 These beauties and our happy place, the beach!

 My favorite summertime view. 😎

 Oh, just lounging around on the kitchen floor. 🙃 #thiskid

Yes, this! ☝

 A while back, we booked a cruise in August for our summer vacation but that got cancelled so instead, we just booked our tickets to the Carolina's next month! 

As far as the east coast goes, we've been to New York, Washington D.C., Virginia and Florida but this will be our first time to the Carolina's.

In addition to all the site seeing and East Coast beaches, I can't to experience what Southern hospitality is all about. 

My July book review will be a little late this month. I have one book I'm finishing up. 
Hopefully, I'll be done this weekend. It's going to be 118 here so you know where we'll be. #helloaugust 
Whatever you do, hope you have a nice weekend!