An Incredible Halloween

02 November 2018

 Don't they look adorable?!!
Edna Mode, Violet, and Dash.

He wore the costume so well!  My Mr. Incredible. 😍

 We're off to the White's!

 We managed to pull off another family costume this year.

 The Pevensie children from Narnia. They were perfect!

 Dash admires Aslan. 😂

 These two. 💕

Hailey and Derek hosted a chili cook-out in their garage.

 We picnicked on their driveway.

 Violet, Edna Mode, Susan, and Snow White.

 Sharing candy.

 Battling in the street.

 My big and little Incredibles.

They're just the cutest together.

 The Blodgett's.

 The kids are ready to trick or treat!

 The sweetest father and son photo.

 Let the candy trading begin!

 We decided on the Incredibles family because we initially found a Mr. Incredible and Dash costume at Goodwill. The Dash costume was so perfect for Zach. It even fit him just right. The Mr. Incredible costume we found was an XXL but Faith put her sewing skills to work and took in the costume so daddy didn't look so wide and more like a sumo wrestler. 😂
This was also so fitting because she dressed up as Edna Mode, the fashion designer of super hero costumes. Which by the way, she looked fabulous and her costume took the cake!  

We also found a black dress for her at Goodwill and then she designed the rest herself. #shesgotskills

So, that left me and Grace. Ours were the only two costumes we paid in full for and we got them pretty cheap at Walmart. All in all, I think we spent less than $70 total for all 5 of our costumes. Not bad!

I felt utterly ridiculous as Mrs. Incredible but whatcha gonna do??

You only live once and we realize, the girls are getting older and the chances of them wanting to dress up, let alone as a family, are probably coming to end soon. Sad!

For now, we had a fun night, making memories with our friends.
I'd even say it was INCREDIBLE! 😄