CBS Christmas Program

20 December 2017

Last week, the kids had their Christmas program at CBS. Look at my little angel. 👼 

 Checking out his glow stick while singing This Little Light of Mine.

I can't stand how sweet he is! 😄

 The preschoolers said 1 bible verse and sang two songs.
You could tell he was looking for me in the audience.

I know I'm just a little biased but this video is just the cutest thing ever.
That moment when he spots me and then his smile afterwards. #imelt 😊

Soon after he found his daddy!

Our little guy almost made it through the whole performance. I was so proud of him!  
Never mind that daddy had to hide in the back. 😂
(And I might have bribed him with a Christmas cookie afterwards) 👊 

 Next was the girls' Christmas play.

Faith played the mom and the rest of the kids played her children and/or angels.

This is the only video clip I managed to get.
This is when the Angel of Peace (Grace) appeared to the mom (Faith).

The play was about a cynical mom who was overwhelmed at all the things she had to do for Christmas. Her to-do list was a mile long. Then 4 angels appeared to her and shared the real meaning of Christmas.
All the kids did wonderfully! I have to admit, when Faith first volunteered to take on the role of the mom,
I was feeling a bit overwhelmed myself. The play centered around her character and she had pages of dialogue to memorize. But true to her strength, she volunteered because she knew she could do it. She nailed down all of the memorization before I even had a chance to hear the play for the first time. 
Thanking the Lord for giving her the gift of memorization and determination.

 Zach and sweet Alexa.

Three of our greatest gifts! 💝💝💝

 Love them to pieces!

 Oh boy! He found the mic.

Zach made this adorable craft that morning.

At CBS, they took this photo of him and used it to create an ornament.
Kisses by mom. 😙 

Here it is on our tree.

The CBS Christmas program is always a delight and I can remember the girls singing the same songs as Zach did when they were his age. So special!