Halloween 2017

05 November 2017

 The Fair Princess and her Knight in Shining Armor. 😄

 The knight, unmasked.

We're off to Southwest's Fall Spectacular!

 What a gentlemen. 😉

 My brave and handsome men.

 We ran into Connor, the pilot.

 The Roman Centurion and the Referee.

Trunk or Treat.

 Faith (or Rey) found her foe, Kylo Ren.

 She also found a Storm Trooper.

 Dressing up as a family is always fun!!

We've been going to Southwest's Fall event for years but this year, we got there a little later than we had hoped and it was WAAAY too crowded. It's a nice option to have and a way for the kids to dress up more than once but next year, we'll have to get there super early or just pass.
The lines were so long, we couldn't even go on any rides. Oh, well. That was Sunday... 

 On Halloween, we made our annual caramel apples and Zach helped by unwrapping the caramels.

 He kept threatening to eat every piece he unwrapped but he managed to hold off until the end when I told him he could have the last one. He's never eaten a caramel before in his life.
How did my picky eater know he would like it??

Halloween traditions.

 We had a quick dinner and got ready for some trick or treating around the neighborhood.
This time, the girls switched costumes (they did this last year, too) and Zach wore a new costume, too.
The fireman costume was handed down to us by a friend and made it's full debut that night.

 Eeeks! They are SO cute!!
By the way, I told Zach I was going to put smoke on his face and when he saw it in the mirror,
he was so pleased! He laughed and said, "I like smoke!"

 This is how we roll. 😄
We walked the cul de sacs but the golf cart helped us cover more ground.

 It's the great pumpkin, Zachary! He's a big fan of all the inflatables.

 And then the fireman found a fire! He tried to blow it out like a candle. It was hilarious!

 All in a hard day's work.

He got quite the stash.

 Notice he's holding on to the full size candy bar??

 He definitely got more candy than the girls. People thought he was so cute, they'd give him extra.
Daddy appreciated him collecting for them both. 😉

Such a perfect costume for our little guy!

Um, what happened to my picky, no candy eating toddler? 😭 
This Halloween, he discovered his love for candy, especially all things chocolate!
He had about 4 small pieces that night and boy, was he on a sugar high!
Talk about a chatterbox!

I don't know how long the girls will want to keep dressing up for but for now,
we're sure having fun as a family.