Christmas Day 2016

27 December 2016

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Started the morning with a light breakfast of monkey bread and fruit for the big kids. I decided to put it in a heart shaped pan because after all, Jesus is LOVE!

This year, Christmas landed on a Sunday so once everyone was up, we got ready for church.

I just love them all so much.

Eeeks! Sooooo ADORABLE!!!

Obviously, I couldn't stop taking photos because they are just the CUTEST THINGS EVER!

Ok, enough photos. Time for the little guy to eat his breakfast.

Bananas and strawberries are his favorite.

And because we had to leave by 9:00 and the girls couldn't decide if we were going to open stockings or a present under the tree before we left, we just decided to wait until we got home.  

After a quick lunch, we changed and got ready to open presents.

Zach loved his light saber toothbrush. It lights up and talks.

And his window cling stickers.

Yay for bath crayons.

Beef jerky and pistachios. #itsatradition

Busy hands.

Faith gave daddy a new tie.

Faith made Grace a cute new apron using Zach's old burp clothes. SO sweet!

Gifts to each other.

Boys and their heavy machinery.

Grace got Faith a Star Wars Nerf Gun.

She was definitely into it.

Zach got a lot of books. This was Chicka Chicka 1,2,3.

Morgan got a Star Wars shirt from Grace.

The girls got a couple of new book sets. This is Nancy Drew, volumes 11-20.

One of Zach's favorite books is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We had a soft cover version but the pages were ripping out of it so now he has the hard board book.

Happy as can be.

Jewelry making for days.

Hyper dogs that bounce around.

New aprons and kitchen accessories from Ms. Marsha.

A big new firetruck from Grandpa.

Complete with sirens and sounds, of course!

Grandpa is a retired fireman so this is especially sweet.

And just when we thought we were all done, Morgan pulled out these light sabers that he hid in the tree!

Someone else is crazy about Star Wars, too.

"Zach, I am your father."

May the force be with you!

Our little Jedi in training.

Lastly, we kind of splurged and got Zach a train table, too. Being the baby, he definitely made out the best this Christmas! 

The girls immediately went to work reading and making jewelry.

Morgan spent the day playing with Zach and putting together a few of his new toys. The girls were busy reading or crafting. And I was going in between cleaning, resting, and just soaking in my family.

I can hardly believe another Christmas is in the books. I don't take any of it for granted. The people, the time we spend with them, the traditions, and the old and new memories. It's all a precious gift and we are so thankful to God for His provision, His love, and most of all, for sending His Son.