Dear Faith

24 March 2013

Seven 010

My dearest Faith,

When God made you, He knew you would be smart, compassionate, and wise beyond your years. He made you pensive, purposeful, talkative, friendly, and intentional. He made you to be a blessing.

He also knew you would be quick to show gratitude and have a natural ease at giving others praise. He knew you would enjoy the piano and gave you a deep heart for missions.

You are the girl who cries for injustice and is not afraid to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.   

You are the girl who loves gifts but also told me the other day, the greatest gift you've ever received was Jesus. 

Life is more interesting and beautiful because of you. May the Lord continue to give you courage. Courage to trust in Him and to believe that the path He has for you is good, even when it is hard, and that there is joy and purpose and meaning in His plans for you.

I love you so much, honey!

And I’m so grateful for the heart God is forming in you.

