Super Berry Green Smoothie

01 September 2012

Here's how it stacks up.  Basically, it's half fruit and half spinach.

Don't like your "green" smoothie green?  No problem!  Frozen berry blend is what gives this the pinkish/purplish color.

 I had a ripe nectarine so I tossed that in there, too!

Adding more spinach and berries while one of my an eager tasters waits in the background. 

We like spinach (raw or cooked) but for those who don't, YOU CAN'T EVEN TASTE IT. Promise!

Breakfast of Champions!

I call this smoothie "Super" not only because of the great taste but also because it contains the super food antioxidants, berries and spinach.  The berries are from Costco- the bag of mixed frozen raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries.  The "green" is of course, the spinach.  

  • Fill half the blender with frozen berries.  
  • I also added a scoop and a half of protein powder and 2 heaping T of unsweetened apple sauce.  
  • 1/2 cup of organic rice milk (or water would work). 
  • Then add 2 handfuls of fresh spinach.
  • Serve and slurp immediately!

I was full after drinking my cup but the kids also had some whole grain toast with peanut butter.
It's always nice to serve up something that's SO GOOD for your family as well as hear,
"Mom, can you make this everyday?" :)

Try it!  It might just add some extra zip to your morning!