Our family has been doing "show & tell" 3 to 4 times a week for the last couple of weeks. We often do it right after dinner and Morgan and I also take turns going up to present something. Although we've done "show and tell" a couple of times during co-op, it wasn't until recently that we started doing it on a regular basis. My friend, Lani shared with me all the benefits of this childhood activity and from then on, I've been totally on board!
Benefits of Show & Tell:
Writing composition (in future years)
How to tell a story
Speech communication
Learning something new
Showing respect
Being a good listener
Asking & answering questions
Good manners
Encouraging others
I remember in school during my early childhood years, we had designated "show & tell" days. They were far and few between but I do remember being a bit anxious about it when the time came. Was the object I brought interesting enough? Did I say enough about it? Do I even know anything about it?? Oh, if I only had more practice! :)
Here at home, we keep it pretty simple. Each person talks for about 2-5 mins. When they're done, the rest of us can ask questions by raising our hands. For example, Morgan's first object he ever presented was a red silicone spatula. When the presenter is done answering any questions, we all clap and encourage one another.
The girls are really enjoying it and ask to do show and tell frequently. I'm enjoying the process of watching the girls develop not only their communication skills, but other valuable lessons as well. In fact, one night, in the beginning, Faith got in trouble for being a poor audience member and being disruptive to her sister. The next night, she was not allowed to participate in presenting anything. She had to sit there and show us what a respectful and good listener she could be. You can bet the following night, she was respectful, sitting quietly, and had her object ready to share.
In our self-absorbed, high-tech, media saturated, text-happy, void of real human relationships kind of world, learning to communicate effectively (through speech, grammar, body language, and writing) is a dying, dying commodity.
Just sayin'...
We do show and tell too!
told josh about it and he liked the idea so we do it now too. pretty funny "coaching" trey through his!
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