Thankful Thursday

09 December 2010

After searching all week and looking at 12 different homes, we finally found a lovely house to lease in the New Year. Thank you, Lord!

All the wonderful Christmas cards we've received in the mail from friends and family so far.

homemade apple crisp... yum!

The fact that some friends may come and go with the seasons, while others stay in our lives for a reason. Grateful for them all and how they've touched our hearts over the years.

I know I say this all the time but I'm so thankful for the Word of God. Everything we ever need to know is in the bible. God's word is living, powerful, and eternal.

grace, grace and more grace...

Sweet-spirited and joy-filled children who have a generous heart for others.

A husband who has decided to change his Thursday night men's bible study to Wednesday mornings instead. That way, he can be home with us every evening and continue to help out with homeschooling the girls. Did I mention Wednesday morning bible study starts at 6:30 AM??

Simply and abundantly... Blessed.