Well, we are getting back into the swing of our post-holiday schedule around here. This week, I taught the first week of school for the kids and after a two month break, the girls resumed their swim lessons. After a rough start back to school on Tuesday, I redeemed myself on Thursday with my best day of teaching so far. Tuesday wasn't as rough for the kids as it was for me.
I learned that too many projects that involved Elmer's glue and scissors, coupled with high expectations on the first day back proved to be an edgy combination for me. By Thursday, I had a new, calmer, and easy-going attitude. And what do you know? It turned into an awesome day of learning, FUN, and just all around love. Sigh... I knew I'd be getting schooled, too.
After being out of the pool for two months (other than the jacuzzi), our little mermaids jumped right in as if there was no break! By summer, they should actually be swimming by using all the strokes they have learned. Speaking of summer, I know that I'm probably the only person in this desert who feels this way but I'm so ready for warmer temperatures! I'm not talking 114, I'd be happy with 85-90. I love the desert and where we live but coming from the beach, the winters here are cold for me. I know! I know! I'm crazy! I guess I'm just missing the beach, fun in the pool, longer days with more sunlight, and what seems like a little more family time during the summer months. I also miss wearing shorts and flip-flops! It'll be here soon enough.
Lastly, on our schedule until the end of May is Mom2Mom. We start back up next week and I have been busy coordinating speakers for the next two sessions. I think it's going to be great! This is also Morgan's busy time of year since he travels more for his clients' annual reviews. Hopefully, the girls and I can tag along on some of those out of town trips to make his long drives easier. So, with all that said, the new year is now official. We are off and running!
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