Chopsticks, Broomsticks & Magic Tricks!

07 October 2008

Their very own set of training chopsticks.

Grace concentrates as she tries to pick up a piece of lettuce.

Faith is a pro after just a couple of tries.

Here she is in action.

Enjoying our Korean BBQ dinner in the backyard.

My new cleaning service.

They're very thorough, too.

Everyone watches closely as Morgan performs his magic trick.

"Hey, how'd you do that?!"

Presto! To Faith's delight, the ball just came out of her ear!

My parents came to visit this past weekend and were treated to much cooler weather. In fact, on Saturday, it even got down to a high of 86! When my parents come to see us, they always bring lots of Korean food, which we all love. I never have to cook dinner and we always have plenty of left-overs to enjoy. We also love the fact that the girls get to experience and learn more about their Korean heritage. Mom and dad will usually speak to them in Korean. My parents also came bearing many gifts. Two big hits were small brooms for each of the girls and their very own set of chopsticks! They could hardly be seperated from their beloved brooms and managed to help me clean much of the house. When it came time for dinner, they used their cute little training chopsticks and did very well. It was a new and fun way to get them to eat more veggies, too. Thanks for a fun weekend, Hamoni and Hapajee! We love you!

The Letter 'W' said...

THat's so nice that your parents are able to pass on te Korean heritage to the girls!

The Letter 'W' said...

p.s. the girls will have to teach teagan how to use chopsticks b/c i am TERRIBLE at it! josh is o.k.