OK, I've been keeping my thoughts to myself regarding this topic and thought that I might escape from addressing it altogether but since I'm up at the crack of dawn this morning, here I go....
Recently in the media, there has been much talk of celebrities who have adopted or plan to adopt from foreign countries. This, according to the entertainment media, has somehow made adoption a "trendy" thing to do. The picture to the right is a T-shirt that was offered at the store Urban Outfitters. I don't know if it is still available in the store but due to so many complaints, it is no longer available online. The T-shirt reads, "Adopting Is The New Black." It implies of course, that adopting is a hip, trendy and fashionable thing to do, almost seasonal, like wedge sandals or
bermuda shorts.
Am I offended by the T-shirt? No, not really. Offended is a pretty strong word and in this case, I don't think a T-shirt is going to dictate my day. I'm the type of person who usually (although not always) prefers to educate rather than take offense to ignorance or lack of sensitivity. Is ignorance a strong word? I guess so but we are all ignorant to some things.
I have seen all kinds of T-shirts printed in the past; poking fun of Asians and women. I'd like to think that I have a sense of humor, even self-deprecating humor. I think there are bigger, more important things in this world to get riled up about, more so than a mere T-shirt. How many people do you know that would actually wear this shirt anyway?
Earlier this year, Madonna was criticized in the media for her intention to adopt a 13 month-old Malawian boy. Not that I'm a huge fan of Madonna but anyone who goes to a foreign country, sees the unfathomable poverty and disease, and then is actually moved to do something about it is OK in my book. So she's a rich celebrity? I say, who cares? How many of us even knew a country called Malawi existed before this? I have to believe that her intentions were pure and from the heart, not unlike anyone else who decides to become a parent through adoption. So she had the means to give millions of dollars to help Malawian orphanages? More power to her. The same goes for the celebrity couple Jolie-Pitt. Although the celeb world is shaky at best, I appreciate the work they are doing and the "attention" they are bringing to children in need, all over the world. I just wish the media would stop calling their children their "adopted son" or "adopted daughter." I'm sure to them, they are just, "my sons and my daughter."
Times are changing and the family unit is becoming more colorful and blended. We don't have to have millions of dollars to help those in need and I realize not all of us are called to adopt. Many people use their time as a means to help. Just think if more people did?
The world would be a better place for it. Not because I think it is some noble act of self-righteousness, but because it is something that God says is right to do.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."-James 1:27
To imply that adoption is a trendy thing to do is obviously coming from someone who has not been through the heartache of wanting children, the mounds of paperwork, fingerprinting, background checks, interviews and the long waiting process. By the same token, simply because the topic of adoption is talked about more today than ever before, I am grateful. I think part of the reason I continue this blog is a way for me to share the beauty of adoption with others. The T-shirt and other implications are yes, insensitive to the adoption community but MOST IMPORTANTLY, it is insensitive to the child. Adoption is a decision that is made from the heart, propelled by hope and love and received with nothing but great joy. We have had people tell us how "noble" or "generous" we were to adopt two children and in all honesty, that makes us a little uncomfortable. Ask any parent who has adopted and their answer is the same, WE are the ones who are covered in blessing. Some have even asked,
"What would have happened to your children had you not adopted them?"Our answer: Some other lucky family would have had the privilege to parent them and call them daughters. Good thing we know that God intended our precious girls for us :)
There are other ways to "adopt" or sponsor a child. Check out Compassion International at