We're home!

07 March 2007

We don't have much time to write right now but just wanted everyone to know we are all home safe. The girls traveled very well and slept for about 4 hours on the plane. Everyone said how great they were. They were loved and enjoyed by everyone on the flight, especially the flight attendants. They slept in their car seats all the way home from LA and their grandparent's house. When they finally got home, they didn't cry at all and loved playing in their room with all their new toys. They finally fell asleep around 3:30 a.m. and didn't get up until 11:30 this morning. We are all tired and trying to get used to the time change but all in all, we are doing very well. Your prayers were felt and answered and we couldn't be more appreciative. We are absolutely in love with ours girls and even though we are exhausted, we are having so much fun. We welcome any short visits over the weekend. By then, we should be better adjusted. We also apologize if we don't return your call right away. Here are some pictures of their first bath in their bathtub this morning. They love to splash around in the bath and it's very cute! I'll try and post more as the days go by! Thank you so much for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Look at those smiles. They look so happy and are absolutely darling. Praise God for your safe travels and working out all the details. May God bless the Gough family with much joy, happiness and love! I am praying for you all.
love, ann j

FHC said...

WONDERFUL! What more can I say? I am so pleased for you and your lovely girls.
Sue W

aubrey said...

Oh my gosh they are adorable! I have been checking your blog everyday, I am almost obsessed it seems with this amazing journey your family is on. We are so excited for you and happy that you are all home safe. Enjoy!
Love, Aubrey & Barela