Fun facts about Korea

22 July 2006

Here are some fun facts about Korea from our agency's newsletter.

1. Korean homes usually have a separate refrigerator for storing kimchi (spicy fermented cabbage—a staple in the Korean diet).
2. Most Koreans sleep on the floor on a futon-type mattress.
3. Korean people shop within their neighborhood and don't venture out in search of a bargain.
4. Small businesses are still a large part of Korea's economy.
5. Children in Korea are not buckled in car seats.
6. Koreans walk on the left side of the street.
7. Koreans who smoke/drink do not do so in front of someone who is older.
8. Koreans will insist on paying for a meal if they are the host.
9. The basic foods in Korean families are rice, kimchi, vegetable, meat soup, red pepper paste & bean paste.
10. Holding a bowl in one's hand while eating is rude and impolite.
11. Traditionally, the most important birthdays in a Korean's life are the 100-day birthday, the first birthday (tol) and the sixtieth birthday. As the life expectancy is increasing, the seventieth birthday is also being celebrated as an important milestone.
12. Bowing is a standard greeting for Koreans.

I'll leave you with the national flower of Korea, the Mu-Gung Hwa or Rose of Sharon.
The Rose of Sharon isn't actually a rose, it's a hibiscus. The flowers come in several colors including white, pink, purple, and red. Its blossoms grace the country between June and October.